Thursday, April 1, 2010

Computer Beginners should follow the principle of anti-virus

First, the concept of establishing the right of anti-virus, learning about the virus and anti-virus knowledge.

10 are generally not to use the floppy disk to start. If the computer from the hard disk, do not use floppy disks, because it is caused by infection of the hard disk boot sector virus.

Computer Beginners should follow the principle of anti-virus

2 is not easily download the software online. In particular, not to those from unknown web site to download free software, because they can not guarantee that the software had not been infected.

Third, do not use pirated software.

13 is to rebuild the hard disk partition, to reduce losses. If the hard drive information has been damaged, do not rush to format, because the virus can not be in a short time destroy all the hard data, it can make use of "reconstruction" process analysis and reconstruction.

7 is regularly make backups. To cultivate the habit of backing up important files.

8 is to produce a non-toxic system floppy disk. Production of a non-toxic system disk, be write-protected and properly maintained so that emergency.

5 is to use the new equipment and new software prior to inspection.

12 is the discovery of suspicious circumstances and timely information for assistance.

now the computer is a part of people's lives, whether at work or a pastime, most can not do without computers, but computer viruses is also our greatest headache. At home, playing games, surfing the Internet, send and receive e-mail are likely to become infected. Readers may want to ask a friend, then how can we make your computer from viruses, or to minimize loss to, under normal circumstances, I recommend that readers follow the following principles friends before they occur. To minimize the dangers of computer viruses.

6 is the use of anti-virus software. Time to upgrade anti-virus software for the library, open the virus real-time monitoring.

9 is to produce an emergency disk / rescue disk / recovery disk. In accordance with the requirements of anti-virus software, create an emergency disk / rescue disk / recovery disk, in order to restore the system Ji Yong. In the emergency disk / rescue disk / recovery disk to store important information about the system data, such as the hard disk master boot sector information, the boot sector information, CMOS device information, etc., as well as DOS system, COMMAND.COM and two hidden files.

Fourth, it should not use someone else's floppy disk or CD-ROM. Special plate special plane as far as possible.

11 is the attention to the computer with no abnormal symptoms.

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