Thursday, April 1, 2010

Worm virus spread Win32.Looked.BA Introduction

virus security view includes more and the "worm virus Win32.Looked.BA disseminate information" related articles, for this introduction to the article is still relatively large number of, if you think this article is the wrong place, or you have a unique perspective, you are welcome to express their views to the computer knowledge and recommendations of the Forum.

1. Do not e-mail attachments to run freely, especially in English e-mail.

Win32.Looked.BA worm features

worm infected files Win32.Looked.BA is a kind of worm, spread via network shares. It could also generate a DLL file used to periodically download and run arbitrary files. This will seriously damage the worm, he can steal all your system passwords to your system, causing immeasurable loss. Article Jiuji brief you Win32.Looked.BA infected with the worm theory, as well as preventive measures:

run-time, Win32.Looked.BA copied to the% Windows% \ Logo1_.exe and% Windows% \ rundl132.exe, then run the% Windows% \ rundl132.exe.

popularity: China

"" prompts us

3. proposed enterprise-level users Gateway products.

Win32.Looked.BA worm Description

Win32.Looked.BA is a kind of worm infected files, spread through the network share. It could also generate a DLL file used to periodically download and run arbitrary files.

attention to the timely closure of useless shared directory, such as the need to share, should be set share permissions. For the system account, should be set relatively strong password, you can avoid viruses easily guess the password function scored system.

4. Close shared directory and set a strong password for the administrator account, do not set the administrator password is empty or too simple passwords.

not arbitrarily run the exe file.

against Win32.Looked.BA worm recommended

Virus Name: Win32.Looked.BA < / p>

crazy: Low

Worm virus spread Win32.Looked.BA Introduction

destructive: China

2. The best time to upgrade the virus code base.

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